Only 3 more hours!
This is my first post about my experiences as a kitten foster home for the Tippecanoe County Humane Society. As a foster parent, my job is to care for and nurture kittens that are too young to be placed up for adoption. Some may have special needs, and all are in need of a warm home and lots of love. My goal for the weeks that I care for a kitten is to give him/her the best start possible so that adulthood finds my kitten well adjusted and happy.
I pick up my first foster in less than 3 hours and I'm psyched.
Here's what supplies I have so far:
- small litter box and scoop
- Feline Pine litter (non clumping since I've heard kittens might try to eat litter, and supposedly very good at odor control/flushable)
- stainless steel dishes (one for food, one for water; shallow since kittens are tiny, s.s. for easy cleaning)
- Kitten Chow (not my idea of a great food, but it's what the kitten is on currently if s/he is eating solids and I want to avoid tummy upset)
- milk replacer/bottle (only to be used if kitten still needs nursing)
- cat toys
- scratching surface
- nail trimmer (I want to work with the kitten so it is used to all types of handling, including nail trimming)
- harness/leash (another thing to desensitize an older kitten to)
- clicker (I am going to see if I can clicker train my kittens to exercise their brains and make them even better pets for their future owner)
- newspapers (for lining the cage with, easy to clean)
- 36" dog crate (for kitten containment)
- extra towels (bedding, cleanup)
Here's the setup as it is currently; the first picture is of the crate w/ a blanket over top and the second is a closeup of the interior (some of the interior didn't fit in the frame, so it's bigger than it looks).
I will be sure to update the page when the kitten is safely stowed in his/her kennel and I know more about the little critter I'll be caring for. Name suggestions are welcome!
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